Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Weekend Recap

We love weekends!!

Matt sent this picture to me on Friday morning while I was at work and I thought it was super cute....

He told me that he was taking Riley to the mall to play and I told him to send me a picture. Instead he sent me this cute video....

She loves the play area!! We actually ended up going back on Saturday night so that she could play some more :) Can't wait for the weather to warm up so we can go to the park instead.

Friday night we spent a solid hour reading books....

Then Riley made her dad play beauty salon....

Matt's such a trooper.

Saturday mornings with this cutie are the best....

While Matt did school work on Saturday, Riley and I went shopping....

When we got home, Riley painted a new picture to hang on the fridge for Easter....

She's always so proud of her artwork!

On Sunday, we decided to dye Easter eggs and we had such much fun!!

What a great weekend! :)

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Monday, March 30, 2015

Favorite Things: Nail Polish

Linking up with Erika and Andrea with my favorite nail polish today!

I loooooove all OPI! It is the only nail polish that goes on perfectly without streaks and actually lasts. These are just some of my most used colors.

Summer favorites....

1. Feelin' Hot-Hot-Hot! -- it is my number one favorite pink color and it is perfect for spring/summer!

2. OPI on Collins Ave -- I originally picked this color to wear on my toes at my wedding and it immediately became my go-to summer color. This is almost always what I am wearing over the summer. It is the perfect coral!

3. Big Apple Red -- this is the perfect red. I love it and always get compliments when I'm wearing it.

Favorite neutral colors....

4. Dulce de Leche -- this is my favorite when I want something neutral, but not super noticeable.

5. Chocolate Moose -- this light brown is another neutral favorite of mine and I tend to wear this color a lot in the fall.

Winter favorites....

6. You Don't Know Jacques! -- I love this dark grayish color! I just think it's a lot of fun :)

7. We'll Always Have Paris -- The picture doesn't do justice to this color. It is a really dark purplish color that sometimes appears to be black. I love dark colors in the winter so I tend to wear this one A LOT!

8. Here Today...Aragon Tomorrow -- This one is a dark green color that I like to wear around Christmas time. It is just perfect!

And to add a little sparkle....

9. Wonderous Star -- I bought this to use as an accent nail and I love it! It has a gold shimmer and some black in it.

Well, there you have it, all my favorite nail colors! :)

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Easter 2014

Since Easter is coming up, I decided to look back at pictures from Riley's first Easter which happened to be 2 days after her first birthday!

Easter morning and this cute one year old found her first Easter basket....

Little did I know how much she would grow to love some of the things inside this basket....

Frozen! She's currently obsessed with Frozen. She reenacts every single scene before they even happen and sings and dances to every song.

Have You Ever Tickled A Tiger is still one of her favorite books!

It must have been love at first sight! This dog is her absolute favorite. She drags this dog all over the place with her and I don't think she could ever sleep without it. She LOVES her dog!

Enjoying her Puffs out of the easter egg....

After church we went to my parents for dinner and made s'mores by the bonfire...

Riley still wears this tutu all the time.
Lastly, here's a picture of Riley with her buddy Uncle Scott....

Both of their faces in this picture make me laugh. What a fun Easter!

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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bath Time

Just when I thought bath time couldn't get any cuter, this happened....

Oh my!! I cannot wait to take this little fish swimming this summer!

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Monday, March 23, 2015

Weekend Recap

Last week I slacked big time on my blog, but this week I promise to make up for it. Over the weekend we spent a lot of time relaxing, eating Mexican food, shopping, and spending time with family.

We also spent a lot of time playing hide and seek....

Riley loves it and it cracks me up how she giggles while she's hiding. She also doesn't quite understand that you need to stay in your spot until you're found.

We were playing on Friday and she asked me to put her in her crib and this became her hiding spot

HAHA! I still cannot believe my little girl will be 2 in less than a month.

How is that possible? Please stop growing up so quickly!

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