As a teacher, I'm very fortunate to get my summers off, but I was surprised at how many of my coworkers say that by July they are "itching to get back to work". Well let me just say that is not me AT ALL. I will never, ever, ever complain about my time off. I never get bored being home and I'm always looking for fun and exciting things to do with my Riley girl. We have fun over the summer! In fact, I refuse to look and see what day I go back to work because I don't even want to know. I hate when summer is over....and I will inevitably cry when it is....I always do. I live for summer.
Needless to say, this summer has been amazing so far! One of my coworkers, who also has a small child, asked what I do all summer without wanting to pull my hair out and I simply told her that I get into a new routine and find what works for mine and my daughter's schedule. She complained that she's always bored and doesn't know what to do all day, so I told her what works for Riley and I. I'm all about getting into a routine and this summer has been hands down the best routine yet!
So here it is:
(and this is mainly just M-F, on the weekends we change it up and do whatever floats our boat)
6:00 am - I began setting my alarm for 6am and although some days are harder than others to get up, I am loving it! I get up this early to have some quiet time to myself. Riley doesn't get up until 8am at the earliest so I have quite a bit of time to relax before my day gets started. I make coffee, blog, read, work on my bulb book (a family photo album), watch GMA, unload the dishwasher and throw in a load of laundry when needed. It's awesome to get so much accomplished so early in the morning.
8:00 am - Riley normally begins stirring around in her crib and anytime between 8-9am I go get her. We eat breakfast and watch an episode of whatever she chooses, normally Doc McStuffins. By 9:30am the TV turns off and we don't turn it on again until right before her nap.
9:30 am - We get ready for the day and head out the door. We go to the park, the playground, the pool, or run any errands that we need to. On Mondays we do our grocery shopping at this time and Giant Eagle is empty so we are in & out super quickly! She also likes to ride in the car shopping carts and those are super hard to get on weekends, but always available first thing Monday morning. If it's raining out we go to the mall and Riley enjoys playing in the play area there. We usually head home around 12pm to be home for lunch. We don't leave the house every single day, but most days we do....getting out of the house for a few hours is usually helpful for our sanity.
12:00 pm - We make and eat lunch and play with her toys until nap time.
1:30 pm - I let her chose one episode of TV to watch (again usually it's Doc McStuffins) to help wind her down and she also has a small snack.
1:45 pm - We read a few books and then it's nap time. She has been napping 2-3 hours every day and usually if she wakes up after 2 hours she will still sit in her crib and play for awhile. During this time I clean, do laundry, prep dinner, and relax.
4:30 pm - I usually get Riley from her crib anywhere from 4:00pm - 5:00pm depending on her nap and we make dinner together, play for a bit, then eat dinner.
6:00 pm - We color, paint (which is her current favorite), make homemade play dough, go for a walk on the walking trail if it's nice, or play outside. On bath nights we do baths at this time because she likes to play for awhile in the water and then we come downstairs to watch one episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse before bed with another small snack.
7:00 pm - Books then bedtime for Riley. After I put her to bed, I shower then Matt and I relax and usually watch some shows on Netflix.
That's our typical day!! It works for us and I love it! We spend lots of time having fun and playing together making memories :)
Right now I am embracing my time off of work with my little girl and I know that next summer our schedule will be drastically different with an infant joining us, but we will embrace it and find a new routine that works for us!
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