Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Last Week of Summer

This is my last official week of summer before school starts. It has been rough! I thought that each year would get easier to leave Riley and go back, but I was so wrong. This year it is worse and I think that is because she is at such a fun age with so much personality! We were able to enjoy our summer to the fullest with so much fun together. She truly is my best friend!

I so badly wish this sweet girl could spend every day in my classroom with me....

Yesterday I went into work to set up my classroom for the day and Riley stayed home with Matt. He sent me a text around 8:00am when she woke up telling me that she was hysterical when she realized I wasn't here. It made me so incredibly sad! He then asked if I would be able to talk to her on the phone so she called my cell and it made me so happy, yet sad, to hear her voice. She had so many tears in her voice and kept saying she missed and loved me. My heart broke! On the bright side, Matt decided to pick me up for lunch so that the 3 of us could be together....it was wonderful!

Needless to say, I'm not at all looking forward to next week. I still have today off and Friday off with her, but in-services on Wednesday and Thursday....I will be counting down the hours til it is over! I will also be starting a countdown until my maternity leave so that I can spend 8 months with both of my babies!!! Only 4 months of work this year....I can do it.

Also, since school is starting back up, I am going to be taking a break from blogging. I will be back, but I'm taking a break for now. I haven't been blogging as much lately since I have been working on last years blurb book and I really want to get that finished up!

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Jenn & Rob's Wedding

This weekend we traveled to Erie for Jenn & Rob's wedding. We were so looking forward to this little getaway and it came and went way too fast!

my handsome groomsman....

and adorable flower girl....

These colors turned out to be so beautiful together!!!

family with the bride and groom....

brother and sister....

Riley with her new cousin Brandon....

Riley and Papa....

the gorgeous bride....

let the dancing begin....

Their wedding was absolutely gorgeous and probably the prettiest wedding that I had ever been to!! The Lake Erie Yacht Club was a perfect setting for a summer wedding! I also loved Jenn's dress....she looked beautiful! I cannot wait to see all of her professional pictures once she gets them back :)

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Thursday, August 13, 2015


Once August arrives, I start to go into major depressed mode about going back to work. I hate, hate, hate this time of year. It's so hard to think about leaving my little girl every single day. We have such an amazing time together every day over the summer. We do so many fun things together and it breaks my heart knowing that I will only get a few hours a day with her. Next week is my last full week that I have off with her and I've already teared up a few times about it. Ugh this is so tough. I wish so badly that our precious time together wasn't coming to an end, but I'm embracing the moments that we have together.

playing at the park....


being girly girls....


ice cream dates....

being crafty....

walks on the trail....

breakfast on the back porch....

and just being silly :)

Please slow down time!!!! I'm not ready for this summer to come to an end.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Lilliput Play Homes

Yesterday my friend Julie and I took our girls to Lilliput Play Homes since the weather wasn't so great. I've taken Riley here one other time and she has so much fun going from house to house playing inside of them. There's a grocery store, beauty salon, post office, gas station, fire station, ice cream parlor and doctors office. It's really really cute! Needless to say, these girls had a lot of fun together.

The beauty salon was their favorite....

Playing cashier in the grocery store....

Another little girl was playing doctor and Riley loved playing her patient....

The girls also loved the ice cream parlor....

Riley adores little Nina so it's so nice to get these girls together to play! Us moms have fun together too!!

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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Second Trimester

After somewhat of a rough first trimester, I am so thankful to be far into the second trimester of my pregnancy! I was feeling nauseous almost 24/7 up until about 14 weeks and then I started feeling myself again. I am now 21 weeks and feeling completely fine! In fact, I now feel the baby kicking on a daily basis....it's awesome.

On Saturday, my doctor had me take an early glucose tolerance test for gestational diabetes. Since I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with Riley, I am now considered to be higher risk for having it again. The doctors told me that I have about an 85% chance of having it again, but that every pregnancy is different and this does not necessarily mean I will have it again. They just said that they want to take every precaution because when you have gestational diabetes you are automatically considered to be a high-risk pregnancy.

So I had my first 1hr glucose test on Saturday at South Park shops and they gave me this room to wait in for the hour....

There were 2 huge comfortable recliners and a TV mounted to the wall. Let me just say that this was a huge step up from the quest in bethel park. Even when I took my 3hr glucose test, I was stuck waiting in the tiny waiting room with everyone else for the full 3 hours. The fact that they have this room for glucose testing is wonderful.

Anyways, on Tuesday morning I got an email with the results and I am so happy to share that I PASSED!!! My glucose levels had to be below 135 and mine was 121. yay! Needless to say, this does not mean that I am in the clear completely. This just means that I will have another 5 weeks until I have to worry about my next glucose test at 26 weeks, but I am staying positive! :)

Gestational diabetes was hard. It wasn't fun at all and it was something that I honestly had never even heard of before I was diagnosed, but if I have it again at least I will be prepared. I looked back at my glucose tolerance levels when I was pregnant with Riley and my numbers were off the charts! After 1 hour, my blood sugar was 190! I remember being in the delivery room and them having to give me apple juice because when I was in labor my blood sugar dropped tremendously low to the point that I was shivering and shaking. That also happened a few times after I came home from the hospital and my husband would check my blood sugar and it would be around 70 (which is very low). Needless to say, diabetes is not something to take lightly. It was very scary and I am SO thankful that I am in the clear as of now!

Otherwise, everything else is going great and this little girl can't wait to be a big sister come December....

My two babies :)

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Riley's First Movie

We took Riley to see her first movie on the big screen....The Minion Movie!

Riley loves the minions!! She thinks they are hysterical. Every time a preview came on for this movie she would laugh her head off so we decided to take her to see it.

It was 10am and we were eating popcorn because what's a movie without popcorn???

Overall she did really really well for her first movie. It kept her interest for the most part, but towards the end she was done with it. The movie itself wasn't so great, but we had a good time!

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