Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday Favorites

It's finally Friday! Here are my Friday Favorites.


this gorgeous bag. I splurged at the outlets last weekend and bought myself the perfect purse to use this summer. It was exactly what I've been looking for. It will be perfect when I'm at the park running after my cute little two year old. It only took me three trips into the Michael Kors store to finally seal the deal, but I'm madly in love.


a little positive feedback. I received this email from my building principal on Wednesday and it completely made my day. As a math teacher, this is a rarity. No one likes math. Elective classes are way more fun and not so boring. It seems like more often than not we are always told how we should change our teaching methods rather than praising us for the good that we do. Needless to say, it is very nice to get some positive feedback like this every once in a while.


good mexican food. Now that lent is over I can finally enjoy some good mexican food on a Friday night. As per my request, this is where we are going tonight...and I'm thrilled. We also might make a pit stop to Hobby Lobby for some last minute birthday things (my husband doesn't know this yet, but I'm sure he'll be ecstatic--not so much). I can't wait to see some of this tonight....

This girl loves black beans and quesadillas!

Happy Friday :)

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  1. Awwww! That email is just awesome :-) what a great thing to hear. Love that little bean eater, such a sweet heart!

  2. Love the bag! I have been thinking about buying myself a nice bag. Please come link up with me

  3. The bag is amazing!! Congrats on the positive comments, I can tell you must be an amazing teacher. Hope you had a good time eating and shopping. :)
