Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday Favorites: Surviving the Cold

Linking up with Erika and Andrea for my Friday Favorites! This week's favorites are how I'm surviving these frigid cold temperatures....

On the bright side, school has been cancelled three days this week and that makes for two happy girls in this house!! Yippeeee!


My Ugg slippers! If Ugg boots weren't great enough, I think I love my slippers even more. I put them on as soon as I get home and they don't leave my feet until I go to bed at night.


Coffee! It has been even nicer enjoying my cup of coffee in the morning in my pjs instead of work clothes.


My big comfy sweatshirt and blanket scarf! This has become my go-to snow day outfit. It's so warm and super cozy!

Happy Friday!! :)

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  1. It is super cold here in the midwest as well. Blanket scarves and sweatshirts are the perfect attire :)

  2. I have been wearing my blanket scarf every day! I was just thinking today how happy I am that I bought one! I'm in NY so am stuck in the deep freeze too! I also love your slippers and coffee mug!
