Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Show and Tell Tuesday

I've decided to start linking up with Andrea every other Tuesday for her Show and Tell Tuesdays! This Tuesday is Groundhog Day....the day that you would repeat over and over again if you had the chance (like in the movie).

When I started to think about what day I'd choose, so many fun memories started to come back to me. There have been so many special days in my life that I would LOVE to repeat....the night Matt proposed, my wedding day, the day Riley was born, vacations, Christmases, birthdays....the list goes on!  However, the more I started to think about it, I honestly think my "groundhog day" would not be any day in particular, but instead it would be a laid back, relaxing snow day. I'm a complete and total homebody and I get SO excited when it snows so bad that school is cancelled and you have no choice but to cuddle up indoors and enjoy each others company!

Sleeping in is a must...and by sleeping in, I'd settle for 7:30am :)  We'd wake up, make breakfast, and drink coffee.

We'd spend all morning playing!
Just for fun, here are some pictures from last year's snow days....

After lunch, Riley would take a nap and Matt and I would play a game like Mexican Train or we would catch up on our current Netflix shows.  (and yes, Matt would be off work for the day too)

When Riley wakes up, we would bundle up and all go play in the snow....

We'd come inside, eat dinner, play some more, and then end the night cuddling on the couch watching a movie and drinking hot chocolate with mini marshmallows. (maybe in our matching pjs)

This is definitely my ideal day.  I would have no problem repeating this day over and over again.  Spending the day in sweat pants, no makeup, nothing spectacular, but tons of fun :)

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